Birth Injury Attorney in Memphis, Tennessee

Helping Parents Hold Negligent Doctors Responsible For Birth Injuries

Physical injuries to a newborn before or during birth may have been caused by negligence on behalf of the doctors and medical personnel administering care. If your baby has suffered a catastrophic injury, skull fracture, nerve injury or brain swelling or was born with cerebral palsy or Erb’s palsy, your family may be entitled to compensation for your child’s medical bills, continued care, and pain and suffering.

At Blount Law Firm, our legal team, led by an experienced personal injury lawyer, is devoted to protecting the rights of victims throughout Tennessee. As parents ourselves, we understand how important it is for you to protect your baby and how difficult it can be to address legal matters when your baby has been injured. To help you focus on your baby’s physical care, we will work to shoulder your legal concerns and will not rest until we have helped you obtain the financial compensation your family needs to provide your baby the quality care he or she deserves.

Since 1932, we’ve upheld a tradition of excellence in the Mid-South.

Pursuing Compensation On Behalf Of Parents

Medical negligence, including improper care, improper use of delivery instruments and prescribing dangerous medications during pregnancy, can lead to a wide range of birth injuries.

Often, these birth injuries include:

  • Bleeding in the brain

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Erb’s palsy

  • Injuries to the brain from lack of oxygen

  • Brain swelling

  • Facial nerve damage

  • Skull fractures

Our staff takes a compassionate approach with our clients, but an aggressive stance when it comes to dealing with insurance companies on your behalf. Whether we are able to negotiate a favorable settlement or need to take your case to court, we will not rest until you obtain justice for your baby’s injuries.

Throughout your case, you will be offered constant updates on your case and will have access to your attorney whenever a question or concern arises. In short, we are here to take on your legal issues while you focus on your family’s well-being.

Schedule A Free Consultation With A Capable Lawyer Today

In an effort to reduce the stress you feel while searching for an attorney, we offer free consultations, allowing you to learn more about your rights and how we can be of assistance. Additionally, we offer our personal injury services solely on a contingent-fee basis, meaning that you will not be held responsible for legal fees unless we are successful in helping you recover compensation for your losses.